Completed entirely online. This online version of the 40 Hour HAZWOPER course can work for ALL STUDENTS if followed up with on-site, site-specific equipment training.

Course Overview

Who Should take this course?

Students looking to take the OSHA 40 Hour HAZWOPER training from their computer via the internet, we offer a course that can be completed entirely online. By taking the course online, students can avoid traveling or using vacation time, and complete the course at their own pace wherever they have a computer with internet access that meets the courses simple system requirements.

Students that take this course are those workers that a) will receive follow-up instruction with site-specific equipment training from their employer; or b) will not use safety equipment on site.

In lieu of the hands-on training a student would receive in a classroom setting, students will view over 50 short video clips of equipment demonstration. These demonstrations will include methods for donning and doffing, equipment demonstrations, and monitoring and detection devices. Students will have the opportunity to view these videos as often as they like.

Most students select the online option for 40 Hour HAZWOPER training because they still require on-site, site-specific equipment training even after taking a classroom course. This is due to the fact that the equipment used as part of instruction in the classroom may not be the exact equipment the student will use as part of their job.

The bottom line is that you should receive employer-provided training in the use of any equipment you may use as part of your job. This employee-provided training should be well documented.

For those interested in taking a combination of online and hands-on training, we also offer an OSHA 40 Hour HAZWOPER Hands-on course.



The objectives of this course are to meet the Federal OSHA HAZWOPER training requirements of 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(3)(i) for General Industry and 1926.65(e)(3)(i) for Construction. This course is also intended to meet any HAZWOPER training requirements for EPA and State OSHA regulations.

Per 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(3)(i) and 1926.65(e)(3)(i)

General site workers (such as equipment operators, general laborers, and supervisory personnel) engaged in hazardous substance removal or other activities which expose or potentially expose workers to hazardous substances and health hazards shall receive a minimum of 40 hours of instruction off the site, and a minimum of three days actual field experience under the direct supervision of a trained experienced supervisor.


This course consists of 80 sections grouped into 10 modules. Students are required to take each section in sequential order as listed below.


This course has 9 module exams based upon the course's first 9 modules. Students are required to complete the exam after completing all course sections. There is no final exam.

The exam consists of 10 questions randomly selected from a large pool of questions. A 70% score or better is required to pass each exam.

If a student does not pass an exam the first time, they may retake the exam as many times as necessary in order to pass.

Additional Training

Workers must receive additional training, when required by Federal and State OSHA and EPA standards, on the specific hazards of their job.

Training providers should be used to ensure credibility and augment a company's training program. Therefore, in addition to the training provided by an outside party, a student should receive site-specific training that is supplied by their own company. This training should target the company's unique approach to hazard prevention, including the use of site-specific equipment, health and safety policies, and emergency procedures. As a rule, this company specific training should be well documented.

Field Experience

Once workers have completed their 40 hours of training, OSHA requires that worker must get supervised field experience.

Per 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(3)(i) and 29 CFR 1926.65(e)(3)(i)

General site workers (such as equipment operators, general laborers and supervisory personnel) engaged in hazardous substance removal or other activities which expose or potentially expose workers to hazardous substances and health hazards shall receive a minimum of 40 hours of instruction off the site, and a minimum of three days actual field experience under the direct supervision of a trained experienced supervisor.

Many people mistakenly think this is part of their initial training and it is NOT. The three-day requirement of direct supervision has nothing to do with the training requirement. This requirement is meant to ensure that newly trained employees are not sent to a work site and left unsupervised but rather get supervised field experience for at least three days. It is not part of their training period; it is part of their job function period.

While we have found that most employers do not document this field experience, we have created forms that employers can use to document this field experience:

The bottom line in ALL SITUATIONS is that employers are required to ensure that their employees are adequately trained to do their job.

Mobile Version

We're excited to announce that this course is available in HTML 5, making it more compatible with the browser on your mobile device (e.g., smartphone or tablet).

This course requires only the most recent version of your mobile device's web browser.

Mobile Pros and Cons

Mobile versions of this sort of training are new, but below are some Pros and Cons that we have noticed during our extensive testing.


  • No computer needed
  • Tablet mobility
  • Tablet screen graphics


  • Smartphone screens can be too small to see
  • Mobile browsers react differently than computer browsers
  • Phone calls can interrupt training

During our testing we noticed that tablets work much better than smartphones, simply due to their screen size. The newer the device, the better the result. We are also aware that the course will not work on the first generation iPad, nor older Android Tablets.

Test the functionality of your browser using HTML5 and compare it to the performance of other browsers. If you find other browsers are more compatible than your own, you may want to make the switch.


Below are some frequently asked questions specific to this course.

Q - How long will this course take to complete?

Our courses are set up to take a specific amount of time. Some students may get through the training more quickly, while others may actually take longer to complete their training. Remember, this training should be used as an intricate tool in the context of an overall training program; it can be combined with other training throughout the year in order to meet any hour requirements needed.

Q - How long do I have to start a course once enrolled?

Students have 12 months to start their training from the time they enroll in an online course.

Q - How long do I have to complete a course once started?

Take up to 12 months to complete your online training, at your own pace and schedule.

Q - Do I have to finish the course in one sitting?

No, our courses are designed so you can start and stop as needed, allowing you to break the training up over a longer period of time. Our system will keep track of your progress, enabling you to resume where you left off upon your next login. It is important that once you start a section, you complete that section or you will need to start that section over from the beginning upon your return.

Q - Can I take the course from more than one computer?

Yes, you can take the online portion by signing in with your username and password from any location and computer with high-speed internet access. However, each computer does need to meet our basic system requirements for viewing our online courses.

Q - Will I receive a certificate for this course?

Yes, once you have completed a course, you are able to download, save or print a certificate of completion from your student account. Certificates are created in a pdf format. Users must have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader before attempting to download the completion certificate.